lextra specjalizacje audyty prawne Legal audits Specialisations Specialisations Solutions customized to your needs superb +48 71 733-73-63 Specific areas of our practice are an indispensable tool for supporting a broadly defined business in the Polish legal and tax reality. Solutions customized to your needs

Our Law Firm conducts due diligence of companies in the following areas:

  • Audit of employee documentation
  • Audit of contracts and agreements
  • Audit of receivables
  • Audit for introduction of adequate personal data protection policy
  • Audit of information security, processing of classified information in the context of contract implementation
  • Audit of contract execution – fulfilment of contractual obligations and settlements of receivables
  • Legal audit of external entities
  • Internal legal audit aimed at limiting the risk of financial losses and potential abuses in connection with conducted activity
  • • Audit of problematic areas in companies – information flow
    and cooperation in the area of contract performance


Lextra is a Law Firm with international standards. Lextra Law Firm strategy is focused on legal support and professional legal and tax advice to entrepreneurs.