A specialist in the IT market, ICT, new technologies and the electronic sector. Graduate of the University of Wroclaw in Wroclaw, Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics, Department of Law, Specialisation Business and Commercial Law.
A specialist in the IT market, ICT, new technologies and the electronic sector. Graduate of the University of Wroclaw in Wroclaw, Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics, Department of Law, Specialisation Business and Commercial Law.
Attorney at law, laureate of scientific awards and author of publications in the field of copyright and IT law for the Rzeczpospolita daily newspaper, PARP and for the Western Chamber of Commerce. He has over 15 years of professional experience. He renders services for the customers in Polish and English language.
He deals with the issues of copyright, corporate and economic law, as well as negotiating international contracts. Author of contracts in the IT, telecommunications and banking sectors. He deals with projects related to the processing and protection of personal data, information security and labour law queries. In his legal career, he has advised on the largest outsourcing and service contracts in Poland.
He advises Polish and foreign entities in investment processes on the Polish market, conducting their business and establishing work places. He advises Polish and foreign companies from the IT, telecomunication, electronics, industrial production and renewable energy sectors.Expert of thematic conferences conducting seminars, incl. “IT potential of Lower Silesia” for the Enterprise Europe Network at the Lower Silesian Regional Development Agency, as well as “IT or outsourcing – a chance for development in the European Union” under the European Commission program “Enterprises and industry”.
Expert leading a panel on safety clauses in business transactions during the conference “INVENTOR SYMPOSIUM Information security in the knowledge-based economy” organized jointly by the Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer, the Foundation of the Medical Academy in Wrocław and the Wrocław Technology Park.
Expert conducting a seminar for members of the Wrocław ICT Cluster “Protection of know-how and business secrets within the consortium. Practical and Legal Aspects “.
Expert leading a panel on license agreements during INVENTOR SYMPOSIUM – Good Practices in Technology Transfer and Commercialization. Expert conducting a seminar on concluding implementation and service contracts during the III National Forum of Managers and Managing Staff in Healthcare. And also Expert lecture at the IV Medical Tele informatics Forum “NEW IT SOLUTIONS IN HEALTH CARE PRACTICE”.